Suite 17, Milford House - 7 Queen Ann St.

(off Harley St.), London, W1G 9HN


+44(0)7751 006410

Testimonies Of Patients

Who Have Known Our Method

They are based upon guest book and clinical records.

For the others concerned sceptics... Thousands of patients use daily Mr. Luklinski treatment-preventative Luklinski Spinal Care System, a unique and most effective system worldwide.

The following cured patients cases are self-expressed grateful opinions and represent chronic/acute, complex cases, labelled "incurable" and failed to treat by others spine related "Specialists" but successfully treated by Mr. Luklinski and now enjoying a back pain free life.

Non-specialists spine "EXPERTS" include:
- NHS system;
- MDs variety (Ortho./Spinal surgeons, Reumatologists, Neurologists, so called Pain Managements, Chirop., Osteop.,Physio.), in majority of cases a mixture of all listed.

Non-specialists offer "treatment" compatible with their original background, but without postgraduate training, hence all resulting in failures, and eventually ineffective surgery!

The only true Spinal Specialists (in our opinion) are those who have specialised in Orthopaedic Medicine/Spinal Rehabilitation/Manipulative Therapy (Cyriax-Maitland experts) with "causative" curability of 99.5 %. That is Mr. Luklinski's unique blend of 45 years clinical background.

Non-spinal specialists can result in ≈ MISDIAGNOSIS --> MISTREATMENT --> FAILED SURGERIES  and potentially CLINICAL NEGLEGANCE



 From the Embassy of Italy

 From the Embassy of Argentina


 From Aramco Saudi Oil

 From the Iraqi Embassy

Government / Ministers

 From the Embassy of Qatar

Royal family / Ministers…

 From the Embassy of Egypt

Government / Ministers

 From the UK government

D.P.Minister …

 Many UK Patients…

 From the Embassy of USA

 From the Embassy of Indonesia Government

 From Texaco Oil

 From the Embassy of S.Yemen Government / Ministers

 Other patients… 

European / S.Korean / Japanese /Securities Houses…

  From the Embassy of Iran Government / Ministers / D.P Minister…

 From Maldives Government

 From the Banking sector…

 From the Embassy of Brazil

 From the Embassy of S.Arabia Royal family / Ministers…

 From the UAE Embassy 

Dubai Royal Family / Ministers…

 From the Embassy of Kuwait Government / Ministers

 From the Embassy of Oman

 From the Embassy of Bahrain

 From the Embassy of Syria Government / Ministers

 From Kurdistan Government