Suite 17, Milford House - 7 Queen Ann St.

(off Harley St.), London, W1G 9HN


+44(0)7751 006410

The Treatment Of Back Pain

The proper treatment of spinal problems requires  clinical knowledge and understanding which can only be gained after studying the vertebral column and conducting treatment over many years. I have been practising since 1969 and I specialise in dealing only with difficult and chronic cases of back pain that have not responded to osteopathic or chiropractic treatment.

Exercises and Back Care

(consult your doctor before doing any exercises)


There are a few basic tips that I would like to pass on at this point which are generally applicable to all cases of back pain:

(i) Don't buy those ridiculous products that purport to stretch your back, turn you upside down, or which apply traction; appliances such as rollers which apply muscular pressure won't cure you, but at least they won't cause you any harm.

(ii) All exercises for the back should be carried out while lying down.

(iii) Contrary to popular wisdom, don't sit up straight but rather lean back in your chair at an angle with support (without slouching)

(iv) When lifting objects, bend your knees and keep your back straight and chin up, even if it looks comical. This will lock the vertebrae in your back to prevent them from moving and will reduce the risk of strain.

(v) It is essential to keep the stomach muscles in trim to reduce pressure on the back, as the spine is mainly supported by muscles at the front and rear of the trunk. If the front stomach muscles are weak (as in a 'pot-belly'), even the best treatment in the world may not prevent a recurrence of spinal problems.


As for that dreaded word 'exercises', the temptation is naturally to reduce movement in the hope of avoiding pain, but if it is possible, try stretching like a cat every morning before getting out of bed. Arch your back gently up and down while on all-fours, particularly to elongate the back muscles while pulling your stomach in and stretch yourself in the way that Muslims pray.  And while you're on your hands and knees, why not gently move your trunk left and right? This will help to keep the spine flexible.


One useful movement you can do on the floor, or while still lying in bed, is to lie on your side with legs slightly bent and rotate or gently 'rock' your trunk back and forth to apply a twisting motion to your spine. You don't need to take your head off the pillow. The rocking motion doesn't need to be to Olympic standards, just gently and slightly rock your trunk back and forth (without jerking, but rather in the way a baby's cradle is rocked)  and feel your spine loosening and stretching while your legs remain to one side. You can turn over onto your other side to repeat the 'exercise' and you can bend your legs further in stages by bringing them up closer to your chest (while lying on your side) to benefit the upper part of the spine. As for keeping your stomach muscles in trim (which is essential), simply lie on your back and bring your knees up with your legs bent towards your stomach and hold them or move them a little to tighten your stomach. 


Try these simple movements (exercises!) regularly to see the results. It may save you from having to visit us for treatment if your back condition is from a minor cause. And of course, these movements can be supplemented by using our Back-Rack, which we provide to all our patients.

Physical Therapy
Surgical Treatment
Drugs and pain-killers